Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Marketing To Friend

Marketing to friends and family is one of the simplest methods. If you are in the candle business part time and work another job, coworkers are another great market to tap into. These are people who know and trust you, so selling to them is far easier than to strangers. Since many of them are in frequent contact with you, they are probably also aware of the quality of your products.

They can also turn into a great sales force as well, since their acquaintances will also come in contact with your candles. Friends that work in large offices can often become great salespersons just by displaying several candles on their desk and taking orders for you. I don't pretend to understand the psychology of it, but people like to buy things while at the workplace and you will find a ready market there

The difficult part of this marketing strategy is perceived guilt about making money on friends and family although it is usually a good idea to treat them better than strangers (such as with a nice discount), there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to earn a modest profit on them After all your time is worth money, and you are providing them with a top quality product if you have a friend that is selling lots of candles for you, treat them like gold. Give them some form of commission (either a cut of sales or free candles if they prefer)

• This is a great marketing technique for those who want a small part time candle business
• Investment needed - No additional expense is occurred in marketing aside from a few sample candles
• Income Potential- Low to Medium / Low
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