Wednesday, January 11, 2012

About Granulated Candle Wax

The word “granulated” literally means something that is in a state which takes the form or particles or grains. A perfect example is sand and salt. Sugar, in the form that we’ve all accustomed to love to hate, is granulated.

As far as candles are concerned, leave the notion of the candle as being a solid piece of wax. Instead, think of it in smaller pieces, or grains of candle wax packed together. For this to work, one must have a container to hold it in shape.

Granulated candle wax has become more associated with scented candles. Scented candles make use of scented oils to give out pleasant smells. The oil is mixed with the candle wax during the manufacturing process, and they literally burn with the wax when it melts. However, an unlit scented candle already smells good—but not strong enough to cover smells or, for example, make a room smell good.

When used with granulated wax, scented oils are literally just spilled over the particles. This gives them more surface area to adhere to—for example, cover an entire grain with oil. This combination makes a product that lasts longer and provides scent stronger.

Granulated wax also provides good value for money in terms of volume to cost. In a traditional candle, air pockets are hidden from plain sight. If you slice a “packed” candle in half, you will notice that it has “unfilled” holes. If you use granulated wax, while air will be obviously present between the granules, you get more packed candle. Read more.